Well, It's been a few months since I have had the time to write. Apparently, little ones are not very patient when there is hunger involved. Or clean pants, or naps, more teeth, or formula to make. There seem to be a never ending supply of new things to figure out for all of us. Our adoption was finalize on May 19, 2017. It was an amazing thing to share with family and friends as we heard the judge declare that we were the parents of Lillian Kay Dunham! :) It was an amazing moment of our lives. We followed it up with a party at Pat and Jerry's house to celebrate Lilly's Adoption Day. The day our family was official.

In the following weeks, we got her birth certificate in the mail and also a social security card. It's rather amazing to think about all the days spent waiting and wondering and longing for a family were completed in that one small ceremony. About 25 minutes. We were talking pictures longer than the actual official part.
We are starting to figuring out feedings and diapers and laundry and clothes and family and child care as well as teething, snotty noses and stinky pants. It is a crazy process and we are figuring it out one day at a time. One small hug and smile at a time. They are precious. It is pretty amazing to get a hug and a smile from a pretty adorable little face in the morning or when you get home after work. I've learned that children are even more precious that I thought previously. They really make you understand the important things in life more clearly.
At the end of the day, life is precious and wonderful.
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