Saturday, July 26, 2014

Lifesong for Orphans

          As most of you know, we are excited to be adopting an infant from the United States.  We have been officially approved as a “Waiting Family” as of April 2014.  We are excited to grow our family in this way!  Just to explain our journey in a little bit more detail, this is how the process works through Bethany Christian Services.  Although they are a national ministry, the office in Rapid City works with expectant mothers in western South Dakota and eastern Wyoming.  Bethany works in two separate ways; by ministering to expectant parents and their needs and by ministering to families like ours who are unable to have biological children.  When the birthparents come to the conclusion that they are going to be unable to parent their child, they are shown profile books of families waiting to adopt.  When the birthparents select a waiting family as a possible match, they will meet to make sure everyone is comfortable.  This is an important step since research has shown that it is in the best interest of the child to have contact with the birthparents if at all possible. At the very least, the child needs to be told about the adoption as a part of their life story and not a secret to be ashamed of which unfortunately how adoption used to be treated. 

            We know that the complete process, from jumping in the waiting pool to finalizing the adoption, takes on average about 18 months and ends up costing about $20,000.  Since we don’t have all of that money in savings at the current moment, we are continuing to trust in the plan that God has continued to show us throughout this adoption process.  We were able to pay the initial $8000, and continue to be amazed and humbled by some things that have “just happened” to bless us including a promotion for Ryan, a newer car with low miles  for Julie, and a very successful rummage sale.  We know that God has already laid out all of the details and will continue to provide, but sometimes it is hard to trust in the middle of the need since our next big hurdle is raising the remaining funds. 

            We are humbly asking for your help in a couple of different ways.  Please prayerfully consider coming alongside us in one of the following ways.

·         Pray for us as we wait and trust, for the birthparents as they make difficult decisions, and for our child who is already greatly loved.
·         Consider investing in us financially. You can make a tax-deductible donation to help cover the remaining $12,000 adoption expenses.  Our goal date is August 27, but funds will be accepted towards our adoption until our child is in our home and/or our adoption is complete.  You can give either by check or online.

To Give by Check:       Please make checks payable to Lifesong for Orphans. 
In the memo please note your gift preference with 4607 Dunham         
        Please mail checks to:             Lifesong for Orphans
                                                            PO Box 40
                                                         Gridley, IL 61744
    Lifesong has been blessed with a partner that underwrites all US administrative and fund-raising costs (TMG Foundation and other partners). That means 100% of your donation will go directly to our adoption!

To Give Online:         1. Go to
                                   2. Select Give to an Adoptive Family
                                   3. Complete online form and fill in Family Account Number (4607) &
                                                Family Name Fields (Dunham)
      *Please note that PayPal will charge an administrative fee (2.9% + $.30 USD per transaction).
                    Your donation will be decreased by the amount of this fee.

      In following IRS guidelines, your donation is to the named non-profit organization. This organization retains full discretion over its use, but intends to honor the donor’s suggested use. Individual donations of $250 or more and yearly donations totaling $250 or more will receive a tax-deductible receipt. Receipts for donations under $250 will gladly be sent upon request. Lifesong is a 501(c)3 tax exempt organization.
           Thank you for investing in us and the Kingdom through prayer and finances—it will be an investment with an eternal return! Please continue to pray that this entire process will glorify God and fulfill His purposes.

Waiting in the Pool,

Ryan, Julie, and Max


Saturday, July 19, 2014

And now we wait...

Well, we have officially been approved to adopt as of April 20, 2014.  That is the good news!  The tricky part of that statement comes when you add in the factor that now we are in the "waiting pool" to be chosen by the birth mom.  I know that is a good thing, but it also means that we have only been officially waiting to be chosen for almost 3 months now.  Only 3 months???  That's it???!!!

I read somewhere that to the adoptive family, the time spent waiting is so much longer that the official time according to the calendar.  We have been waiting for most of our married lives it seems.  To narrow it down in the actual dates somehow seems to minimize the time when the longing has been there for so much longer than that small period of time on the calendar.  It's tricky to understand all the components of "the wait".

On one hand, you can't plan exactly when you will be a parent.  When things occur through natural processes, there is a pretty specific 9 month window of waiting in most cases.  You see the baby on the ultrasound and the doctor lets you know when to expect certain things.  There are even books that lay out "the wait" and what to expect when.  I've looked and have yet to find one that explains "the wait" when you are adopting.  According to Bethany Christian Services, the wait can last up to 18 months.  Now, I'm not a math person, literacy is my thing, but I'm pretty sure that is twice as long.  :)  However, it could also be tomorrow!  That really throws planners like me for a loop.

I have always liked to have things pretty planned out and most of my life revolves around a school year time line.  I suppose that is because I have been in school since I was 5.  That is  pretty substantial portion of my life!  I'd figure out the actual number, but then there is that whole math thing again.

I suppose that is the whole point of waiting ~ to get me to rely on Someone else's timeline.  He knows the best plan anyway.  It's just hard to just sit and wait.  I like to do things.  I also like to finish things.  It's a weird sort of limbo I guess.  Our new normal anyway, for now at least.